A denture is any artificial replacement for missing teeth. Two types of dentures: complete and partial. Complete dentures are only used when all your teeth are gone, while partial dentures might be used with some natural teeth in place. These are good removable partial dentures one can use easily and have a healthy mouth.

However, these are artificial teeth and attached with plastic wire. Your dentures might break is if you aren’t training them to fit your mouth correctly. They can very easily break if not taken proper care and regular maintenance. Dentures can generate even more stress when you realize that a once unbreakable part of you has been smashed into many shiny pieces that no longer stay on your gums in the best way possible.
A removable partial dentures requires utmost care while brushing and eating. There are many patients who break their dentures because of silly reasons, we would advise you all the not to repeat the same. Remember to follow the steps to care the dentures.
They are made of strong and durable materials, especially the teeth but unfortunately these can actually crack under certain circumstances. The colour acrylic section of the denture that rests on the gums or inside a partial is what is most likely to crack. It may be because of accidental damage, excessive wearing, or improper fit in your mouth.
Well, here are the main reasons why your dentures break:
· Misguided Damages
It’s a minor possibility that dentures break when you drop it. Most likely the upper and lower plates separates if it drops on a hard/tile floor. Another possibility is some hard edibles can break or weaken the dentures if consumed. Generally people most likely to eat their favourite food but forget about dentures and it starts to break, they are unaware about. Brushing with hard or old bristle brush can lead to wear and tear of your dentures and also make gaps between the natural teeth. When your partial dentures break you must immediately see your designated dentist, dentures will have to be restored at once before there are some serious troubles.
· Wear over time
Dentures are worn in your mouth every single day. Luckily with our top of the line products, your bite should feel pleasant and natural. They are at a risk to damage from several factors. However, hard foods can chip or crack natural teeth and jaws and dentures are no exception. Temperature changes can also hit hard on the structural morality of your dentures. Many foods and beverages are sour and can degrade dentures in a similar way to how they break down natural teeth.
· Improper fit
Dentures that are loose fitted in the mouth can move around and possibly fall out. This puts you at risk of denture damage, as well as potential cracking or fracturing of the teeth. Incorrectly fitted dentures may also cause uneven bites that lead to jaw issues. If you've found yourself with poorly fitting dentures, take them to the best dental clinic near you for a denture reline so you can avoid any unnecessary damages. For more information visit: Complete Information about Removable complete and Partial Dentures